학회소식         공지사항

20회 국제역사과학대회(近現代時期的中國與世界, 2005년 7월 호주 시드니 개최)

조회수 : 1103
안녕하십니까. 2005년에 열리는 국제학술회의에 관한 소식을 알려드립니다. 2005년 7월 3일에서 9일까지 호주의 시드니에서 20회 국제역사과학대회가 열리기로 되어 있습니다. 이 회의기간에 中國의 <中國史學會>가 <近現代時期的中國與世界>라는 주제로 토론회를 주재합니다. 이 주제에 관심이 있으신 분께서는 다음의 내용을 참조하여 중국의 담당자와 연락을 취하시기 바랍니다. 동일한 내용이지만 중문과 영문으로된 내용을 첨부합니다.

尊敬的 教授:

中国史学会作为国际历史科学委员会(International Committee of Historical Sciences)的成员,将积极参加国际历史科学委员会的学术活动。中国史学会已经承诺参加2005年7月3-9日在澳大利亚悉尼(The 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences,on 3-9 July, 2005 at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)召开的国际历史科学大会,并接受国际历史科学委员会委托,在会议期间主持第三场题名为“近现代时期的中国与世界”(“China and the World in the Modern and Contemporary Periods”)专题讨论会。我们希望并请求各国历史学家光临中国史学会组织的这个专题讨论会,参与讨论。您的参与,对于保证第三场专题讨论会的成功将具有重要意义。


中国史学会秘书长 张海鹏


1 Dongchang Hutong,Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, P.R.China,100006
Tel: 010-65275925 ;Fax: 010-65133283 ;E-mail: hpzhang@cass.org.cn


中 国 史 学 会

Association of Chinese Historians


1 Dongchang Hutong,Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing100006, P.R.China,

Tel: 010-65275925 Fax: 010-65133283 E-mail: hpzhang@cass.org.cn

Beijing, 6th July 2004

Dear Professor

On behalf of Association of Chinese Historians, I wish to extend our best regard to you and inform you that the new leadership of the Association was established in April of this year. The chairman is Professor Li Wenhai, former president of the People’s University. The Executive Vice-chairman and Secretary-general is Professor Zhang Haipeng, Director of the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Other vice-presidents are: Professor He Fangchuan, Dean of Asian-Pacific College of Beijing University; Professor Ma Min, President of Central China Normal University; Professor Yu Pei, Director of the Institute of World History of the C! hinese Academy of Social Sciences; Professor Chen Zuwu, Director of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Professor Zheng Shiqu, Vice-president of Beijing Normal University; Jiang Boqing , Professor of the History Department of Zhongshan University.The Association of Chinese Historians is a non-governmental organization to promote historical research and education in China. It is the longest-standing academic organization since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, with the aim of organizing, coordinating and promoting the study of history and academic conferences in China.

As a member of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, the Association of Chinese Historians will actively take part in the Committee’s academic activities. The Association has promised to present the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences, on 3-9 July 2005 at the University of New South Wales in Sydney of Australia, and accepted the commission entrusted by the Committee to hold the third special session “China and the World in the Modern and Contemporary Periods” during the congress. We wish and request historians of foreign countries to present the third special session and join the discussions. Your presence will be very important to the success of the session .

If you have a plan to present the Congress in Sydney, and have interest in the third special session “China and the World in the Modern and Contemporary Periods”, we suggest that you contact us as soon as possible. Please tell us the topic of your article to be discussed in the third special session . We are regret that we should not provide fees to your international journey and expenditures during the congress. The invitation letter will be send to you by International Committee of Historical Sciences. Please write your name and address in English in the receipt.

Sincerely Yours

Zhang Haipeng

Secretary-general, Association of Chinese Historians